
Month: August 2024

Month: August 2024

8-31-24 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Saturday)

“Humility is indeed the friend of the Holy Spirit and always prepares for him a spotless dwelling place, but an impure heart does not hesitate to offend him. Upon whom, says the Lord, shall my spirit rest, but on one who is humble and peaceable and who fears my words (cf. Is 66:2)? Surely where

8-30-24 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Friday)

“In Mary herself, moreover, all the saints have their model. Through the grace that is hers as mother she is able to form each of her children according to the image of her only Son. For this reason there are no hopes that may not be fervently entertained by those who entrust themselves to Mary’s

8-28-24 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Wednesday)

“It is difficult for us, if not impossible, to understand how great was the maternal concern that the Mother of God manifested for each of us, not only in the remarkable actions of her life but also in the most ordinary ones. In this respect we are almost like small children who cannot possibly realize

8-27-24 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Tuesday)

“Mary’s dignity as the Mother of God and her fullness of grace were productive of the greatest spiritual fruit for us. Jesus alone excepted, no person was more closely associated with our eternal destiny and our most intimate graces than Mary our Mother, more mother than our mothers in the flesh, having given us, not

8-26-24 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Monday)

“The common weakness of all human nature, which must often yield to its exhaustion, is by no means incompatible with an ever-watchful heart, whose fulness of love urges it always to listen for the approach of the Beloved, even in the depth of sleep…”  –Erasmo Leiva-Merikakis   Intention: Father, thank You that every part of my

8-25-24 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Sunday)

“With the experience of God in some mysterious manner, we get a taste of eternity without quite knowing what we are experiencing.  In a brief instant, there is a change in perception, and we begin to sense a purpose in life that extends beyond this life itself.  The passing nature of everything in life may

8-23-24 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Friday)

“We may ask ourselves, how can I love and desire someone I do not know? How can I incarnate Christ’s words Seek ye the kingdom of God and its righteousness when I have no idea what the kingdom of God is?… Why should I seek the kingdom of God first? Why shouldn’t I seek self-fulfillment, money,