
8-21-24 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Wednesday)

“Catechetical instruction is that milk which the Apostle Peter wished the faithful to desire in all simplicity like newborn babes…. Catechetical instruction, plain and simple though it be, is the word of which God himself speaks through the lips of the prophet Isaiah: And as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and return no more thither, but soak the earth and water it, and make it to spring and give seed to the sower and bread to the eater: so shall my word be, which shall go forth from my mouth. It shall not return to me void, but it shall do whatsoever I please and shall prosper in the things for which I sent it.…”  –Saint Pius X (+ 1914)


Intention:  I have my trust and confidence in Almighty God.  He is my source.


Wednesday: I am Your Sheep
1st Glorious Mystery: The Resurrection of Our Lord
Jesus said to her, “Mary!” She turned and said to him in Hebrew,
“Rabbouni,” which means Teacher.
—John 20:16
Jesus had once said that He called His sheep by their names.
When He called Mary by her name and she saw the wounds on
His hands and feet, she realized that it was Him.
Jesus, You are my Shepherd, and I am Your sheep. I listen for
You to call my name. Call me to graze in your green pastures
of love, peace and joy. Amen.


Wednesday: Enlighten Me
2nd Glorious Mystery: The Ascension of Our Lord
And [Jesus] said to them, “Thus it is written that the Messiah
would suffer and rise from the dead on the third day and that
repentance, for the forgiveness of sins, would be preached in his
name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem.”
—Luke 24:46–47
Our Lord, through His resurrection appearances, opened
the minds of the disciples to understand the scriptures. He
was finally able to explain to them that He was the Suffering
Servant spoken about by Isaiah, Who would triumph through
His suffering.
Lord, please enlighten me with Your Holy Spirit, and give me
the gift of understanding when I read the scriptures. Make my
heart burn within me with love for You. Amen.


Wednesday: Fortitude
3rd Glorious Mystery: The Descent of the
Holy Spirit on Our Lady and the Apostles
But I tell you the truth, it is better for you that I go. For if I do
not go, the Advocate will not come to you. But if I go, I will
send him to you.
—John 16:7
Jesus told the apostles that after He went up to heaven, He
would send them His Holy Spirit to renew and strengthen them
in their knowledge of the Kingdom. He said that they would
experience the same type of opposition as He had faced.
Jesus Christ, I praise You and thank You for making me a part
of Your Mystical Body. Give me the fortitude of the Holy Spirit,
that I can withstand the pressures and temptations of the world,
the flesh and the devil. Amen.


Wednesday: Perfect
Truth and Beauty
4th Glorious Mystery: The Assumption
of Our Blessed Mother
Arise, Lord, come to your resting place,/ you and your
majestic ark.
—Psalm 132:8
When we behold the majesty of Christ and the special honor
given His blessed Mother, we naturally desire to make the
world a place of perfect truth and beauty. Although perfection
cannot be attained in this physical world, we strive to achieve
better excellence and to leave the world a better place than we
found it.
Heart of Jesus, Of Infinite Majesty, help me to leave a legacy of
truth, beauty and peace behind when I leave this place to come
home to You. Amen.


Wednesday: Faith, Hope,
Charity and Obedience
5th Glorious Mystery: The Coronation of Our
Blessed Mother as Queen of Heaven and Earth
“[The Virgin Mary’s] role in relation to the Church and to
all humanity goes still further. ‘In a wholly singular way she
cooperated by her obedience, faith, hope, and burning charity
in the Savior’s work of restoring supernatural life to souls. For
this reason she is a mother to us in the order of grace.’”
—Catechism No. 968
As the foremost member of the church, Mary is also Mother of
the church, thereby providing the perfect role model of faith
as she leads people to Jesus, and confirms her importance as an
intercessor on our behalf.
O Blessed Mother, Queen of the Rosary, please intercede for
me while I pray for the virtues of faith, hope, charity and
obedience. Amen.



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