
Month: August 2024

Month: August 2024

8-21-24 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Wednesday)

“Catechetical instruction is that milk which the Apostle Peter wished the faithful to desire in all simplicity like newborn babes…. Catechetical instruction, plain and simple though it be, is the word of which God himself speaks through the lips of the prophet Isaiah: And as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and return

8-19-24 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Monday)

“When we need a special grace to meet certain circumstances, let us ask our Lord through his most benign heart to grant it to us from his Sacred Heart, our treasure-house.”   –Saint John Eudes  (+ 1680)   Intention: Lord, please bless the world with peace on earth. I expect the earth to be at peace

8-18-24 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Sunday)

“Our most lovable Redeemer has given us his most loving heart to be our treasure. It is an immense and inexhaustible treasure that enriches heaven and earth with infinite blessings.”  –Saint John Eudes (+ 1680)   Intention:  Lord, please make of America a nation that becomes like a shining city on a hill for the

8-17-24 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Saturday)

“[God] assures us repeatedly in the Scriptures what he will do with our sins if we repent. He will throw them into the bottom of the sea, the inspired prophet tells us (Mic 7:19).”  –Mother Mary Francis of Our Lady, P.C.C. (+ 2006)   Intention:  Lord, please give us fair and honest elections.   Saturday:

8-15-24 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Thursday)

“In her great poem [the Magnificat], Our Lady talks about what God remembers. At the beginning she speaks of his remembering mercy; at the end she speaks of his remembering mercy. She says at the beginning a progenie in progenies, always remembering his mercy from generation to generation, never forgetting to be merciful. Sometimes we forget—he never does.” 

8-14-24 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Wednesday)

“‘Until death do us part,’ the words that tell us what we expect of human love, are an expression of permanence. And while that seems to be the ultimate in human love, Mary’s love for her Son demonstrates that even ‘unto death’ is not long enough. Love must last beyond the bounds of space and