
9-14-24 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Saturday)

“Suffering is a part of our human existence. Suffering stems partly from our finitude, and partly from the mass of sin which has accumulated over the course of history, and continues to grow unabated today. Certainly we must do whatever we can to reduce suffering: to avoid as far as possible the suffering of the innocent; to soothe pain; to give assistance in overcoming mental suffering. These are obligations both in justice and in love, and they are included among the fundamental requirements of the Christian life and every truly human life…. Indeed, we must do all we can to overcome suffering, but to banish it from the world altogether is not in our power.”  –Pope Benedict XVI (+ 2022)


Intention:  Lord, please bless all the Jews and Christians in the world, and keep them safe. God bless Jerusalem, and all of Israel! I pray for peace for Jerusalem!


Saturday: Yes, to the Angel
1st Joyful Mystery: The Annunciation
Let your “Yes” mean “Yes,” and your “No” mean “No.”
—Matthew 5:37
It was fitting that an angel came to Mary to tell her about
the coming of the Messiah, because it was critical that Mary
be given the choice to give her fiat, or to not give it. If God
Himself had appeared to Mary instead, she could hardly have
said no, because God commands, whereas angels ask.
Dearest Mother Mary, Mother and Virgin, thank you for your
“yes” to the angel. Through your intercession, please light my
way so that I can develop a close, personal relationship with
your Son. Amen.


Saturday: The Father Stooped Down
2nd Joyful Mystery: The Visitation
O Lord, you are our father;/ we are the clay and you the
potter:/ we are all the work of your hands.
—Isaiah 64:7
Mary had true humility, which means having a correct
assessment of one’s gifts as they truly exist. Her humility was
borne of realizing how vast the chasm was between herself (a
mere creature) and God.
Dear Lord, In Mary’s Magnificat, she marveled that You would
stoop down so low as to overshadow her as You did. Please,
Lord, stoop down to me and make me more perfect, also.


Saturday: Jesus is Truth
3rd Joyful Mystery: The Nativity
Then the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for
all they had heard and seen, just as it had been told to them.
—Luke 2:20
Divine knowledge comes from above, as it did when the
shepherds heard the message of the angel. And it can also be
found sometimes through human effort, as it was when the
Magi figured out the location of Baby Jesus, probably through
means of star-gazing.
Holy Spirit, no matter how I pursue the truth, I know that I will
always end up finding Christ, who is the Way and the Truth
and the Life. Focus my eyes always upon the Truth—upon
Jesus. Amen.


Saturday: Through Mary’s Eyes
4th Joyful Mystery: The Presentation in the Temple
All will fear and proclaim God’s deed,/ pondering what has
been done./ The just will rejoice and take refuge in the Lord;/
all the upright will glory in their God.
—Psalm 64:10–11
Some translations say that Simeon said to Mary, “A sword shall
pierce your own soul.” These words probably caused Mary to
reflect on his words in her heart long afterwards.
Dear Mary, the reflection that you contemplated in your heart
must have found its way into the formation of the gospels. Assist
me to see Jesus through your eyes every time I pray the Rosary.


Saturday: Delayed the Inevitable
5th Joyful Mystery: The Finding of
the Child Jesus in the Temple
I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God
almighty and the Lamb.
—Revelation 21:22
Jesus was lost in the temple for three days, which was a
prefigurement of the three days that He was buried before the
resurrection. St. Luke, in his telling of the story, might have
been inferring that Jesus came to the temple as a boy intending
to carry out His Father’s will, right then and there.
Mother Mary, Dearest of Mothers, did you delay the inevitable,
by making Jesus come home with you and St. Joseph? Thank
you for being such a loving mother to Him while He was here.



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