
Month: September 2024

Month: September 2024

9-5-24 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Thursday)

“Christ was transfigured that he might show us the transfiguration of our nature that is to come — his second coming, for our salvation, which will be on the clouds, with the voice of archangels.  For he is the one who has wrapped himself in light as in a garment (Ps 104:2), since he is judge of

9-2-24 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Monday)

“The purpose of Jesus’ anointing was so that he could proclaim good news to the poor—good news that includes not only hopeful words but the very realities that the words announce: freedom, healing, and release from captivity. The poor are both the materially poor and all people, spiritually impoverished by their alienation from God.”  –Mary Healy

9-1-24 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Sunday)

“Why do you fix your gaze upon a world which is passing and which as it shakes and crashes constantly threatens its lovers with collapse? Deceitful indeed is its grace and worthless its beauty, for not only do these not bring a long-lived joy, but they fade quickly away into the torment of everlasting lamentation.