“This Christmas, Lord, we entrust to you above all those without faith. We entrust them to you so that, on the backdrop of the goodwill they so often display, a ray of your light may break through, the star that guides to you may blaze out for an instant, and they may experience how full is the joy of those who know you and love you. We entrust to you the distant ones, Lord, because we know that it was above all for them that one day you became a baby.” –Servant of God Chiara Lubich (+ 2008)
Intention: Lord, please give us fair and honest elections.
Monday: Godly Values and Virtues
1st Joyful Mystery: The Annunciation
Rejoice heartily, O daughter Zion,/ shout for joy, O daughter
Jerusalem!/ See, your king shall come to you.
—Zechariah 9:9
Imagine the beauty and innocence of the Blessed Virgin Mary
as she said “yes” to the angel. What a gift from God she is to
us—this angelic girl who is so full of love and joy, and was
willing to give herself to us in this way!
Dear Blessed Mary, Virgin Rightly Praised, if you were so
full of the love and joy of the Holy Spirit when you were alive
on earth, I can hardly imagine how powerful you must be in
heaven, acting on our behalf! Please pray for all writers, artists,
musicians, producers, directors and actors, that they would
produce art that reflects godly values and virtues. Amen.
Monday: Powerfully Helpful
2nd Joyful Mystery: The Visitation
I trust in your faithfulness./ Grant my heart joy in your help,/
That I may sing of the Lord,/ “How good our God has been
to me!”
—Psalm 13:6
The two women, Mary and Elizabeth, must have been so
radiant to watch when they met—both carrying very blessed
children in their wombs, both quietly aware that they were
participating in God’s divine plan in a glorious way and both
trusting in His plan.
Dear Blessed Mother, Queen of Confessors and Virgins, you
were not only graced with the love and joy of the Holy Spirit
but also with the desire to share what little you had with others,
as evidenced by your hurrying to go and assist Elizabeth. Again,
I imagine how powerfully helpful you must be in our world,
right now! Please pray for many young men and women to have
vocations to the priesthood and religious life, and to act on those
vocations. Amen.
Monday: Heavenly Events
3rd Joyful Mystery: The Nativity
You formed my inmost being;/ you knit me in my mother’s
—Psalm 139:13
The birth of Jesus reveals to us that the conception of a child
is not just a physical event. It reaches into the dimensions of
the divine, with God showering the soul with goodness and
Dear Guardian Angel, I understand that my own birth was
a heavenly event, as well as a physical one. Please pray for all
lawmakers to remember the sanctity of human life, in their
lawmaking efforts. Amen.
Monday: Godly Upbringing
4th Joyful Mystery: The Presentation in the Temple
Train a boy in the way he should go;/ even when he is old, he
will not swerve from it.
—Proverbs 22:6
Jesus was presented in the temple as a normal babe, and yet
He was the King of kings. He was consecrated to God there.
Afterward, He grew up with an extended family of St. Joseph
and the Blessed Virgin Mary, and also probably many aunts and
uncles—as mother and father figures. He also had many cousins
whom the gospels record as His brothers and sisters (there was
no word for “cousin” in Jesus’s time).
Dearest Jesus, between Your consecration to God as a Babe,
and how You grew up in Your village surrounded by relatives,
You were given a loving, well-rounded, faith-filled—albeit
poor—upbringing. Help me to be a loving influence on all the
children in my life. Amen.
Monday: Enthusiasm
5th Joyful Mystery: The Finding of
the Child Jesus in the Temple
I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for
although you have hidden these things from the wise and the
learned you have revealed them to the childlike. Yes, Father,
such has been your gracious will.
—Matthew 11:25–26
Jesus was probably a teenager who was handsome, confident,
enthusiastic and intelligent, with a funny sense of humor. The
other boys and girls in His village probably loved being around
Him, because He was so full of life and the Holy Spirit.
Lord Jesus, Most Amiable, through Your assistance help me to
become more uplifting, honest and enthusiastic with others.