
1-24-25 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Friday)

“How precious must man be in the eyes of the Creator, if he ‘earned so great, so glorious a Redeemer’ (Easter Exsultet), and if God gave his only Son in order that man should not perish but have eternal life (Jn 3:16).”  –Saint John Paul II (+ 2006)


Intention:   Lord, please preserve our rights to meaningful representation in government, the right for free speech, the right for freedom of religion, the right for freedom of assembly, the right to bear arms, and having a country with firm borders.


Friday: Heroism Over Horror
1st Sorrowful Mystery: The Agony in the Garden
When he returned he found them asleep. He said to Peter,
“Simon, are you asleep? Could you not keep watch for one
hour? Watch and pray that you may not undergo the test. The
spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.”
—Mark 14:37–38
In the agony in the garden, we see Jesus experiencing the
darkness of deep terror and dread, compounded by isolation
because His disciples were sleeping. But then we see His heroism
win out over His horror: He says “yes” to the Father’s plan just
as His mother Mary had done thirty-three-years earlier at the
Dear Heavenly Father, when I am confronted with circumstances
that call for my heroism, please ask my Guardian Angel to
strengthen and fortify me. Amen.


Friday: Angels by Our Side
2nd Sorrowful Mystery: The Scourging at the Pillar
The angel of the Lord, who encamps with them,/ delivers all
who fear God.
—Psalm 34:8
The Roman scourging was so intense that it incapacitated its
victims, often causing actual death all by itself. Jesus was beaten
and bleeding profusely from the scourging; His face was marred
and ghastly. Yet just on the other side of the veil were angels
watching and standing by His side.
Dear Lord Jesus, please ask the angels to deliver me from any
demonic influences in my life now or in my past. Amen.


Friday: Reflection of Jesus
3rd Sorrowful Mystery: The Crowning With Thorns
I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor
principalities, nor present things, nor future things, nor powers,
nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature will be able to
separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
—Romans 8:38–39
Jesus was humiliated in the cruelest of ways, by the ridicule of
His Kingship by the soldiers, which they couldn’t understand
by any stretch of their imaginations. And yet, His nobility and
honor were untouched by all that they inflicted on Him.
Heavenly Father, thank You for always seeing in me the
reflection of Jesus’s goodness, when others around me cannot
see it, and when I cannot either. Please help me to keep my eyes
fixed only on Jesus in those times. Amen.


Friday: Our Companion
4th Sorrowful Mystery: The Carrying of the Cross
My heart pounds within me;/ death’s terrors fall upon me./ Fear
and trembling overwhelm me;/ shuddering sweeps over me./
Cast your care upon the Lord,/ who will give you support./
God will never allow/ the righteous to stumble.
—Psalm 55:5,6,23
The approach of death will probably put us on a rocky road,
because we each have such a strong survival instinct. Sometimes,
a saintly soul like Simon of Cyrene comes to ease the long trek.
But even if we are physically alone at our death, we are not really
alone – because Jesus is our companion at all times, and He will
assist us to transition through to the other side.
Dearest Jesus, as I cross the threshold of death’s door, please let
me see You, or get at least a glimpse of You, as You encourage
me to walk through Your door unafraid. Amen.


Friday: Draw Me, Lord
5th Sorrowful Mystery: The Crucifixion
As to [Jesus’s] death, he died to sin once and for all; as to his
life, he lives for God. Consequently, you too must think of
yourselves as [being] dead to sin and living for God in Christ
—Romans 6:10–11
Jesus said that He would draw all people to Himself when He
was lifted up (see John 12:32). This is at the heart of the Paschal
mystery. He has drawn us all to Himself. He is our constant
companion during life, and during our process of dying, He is
our welcoming door to eternal life.
Lord, help me to die to sin and live for You, and so reach up to
You, as You are drawing me to Yourself. Amen.



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