
7-9-24 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Tuesday)

“The faith of Christ overcame the world. The doctrine of the Gospel enlightened mankind; the darkness and delusions of false religions faded before the resplendent light of Christianity; the Church of God rose conspicuous on their ruins and has always remained in the public profession of the same faith, in the teaching of the same doctrines, in the administration of the same sacraments, in the possession of the same ministry uninterruptedly derived from Christ and his apostles, in the offering of the same one, holy, adorable sacrifice to the Eternal Father, and in retaining its distinguishing and characteristic title of Catholic….”  –Archbishop John Carroll (+ 1815)


Intention:  Lord, please give us fair and honest elections.


Tuesday: Watchful Prayer
1st Sorrowful Mystery: The Agony in the Garden
He returned a third time and said to them, “Are you still
sleeping and taking your rest? It is enough. The hour has come.
Behold, the Son of Man is to be handed over to sinners. Get up,
let us go. See, my betrayer is at hand.”
—Mark 14:41–42
Imagining the agony in the garden, we can pretend we are
one of the three sleepy disciples whom Jesus continues to try
to awaken. Yet, we are so sleepy! We see Jesus, so determined
and intense in His prayer, out of the corner of our eyes, as we
Dear Lord Jesus, Model of Virtues, I am trying to follow Your
example in Your watchful prayer about everything that concerns
me in my life. Something that happened yesterday or today,
about which I want to pray, is this: _______________. Amen.


Tuesday: Penance
2nd Sorrowful Mystery: The Scourging at the Pillar
The chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowds to ask for
Barabbas but to destroy Jesus.
—Matthew 27:20
Imagining the scourging at the pillar, we can pretend that we
are one of the crowd who are screaming, “Crucify Him!” (see
Matthew 27:23) when Pilate asks us what evil Jesus has done.
Jesus is whipped within an inch of his life and afterward falls
limp on the ground.
Dear Lord, as I reflect on the severity of Jesus’s scourging to
atone for my sins, I realize that my comparatively mild penance
strengthens me to become more virtuous, and that it is nothing
to fear. Assist me in embracing my penance. Amen.


Tuesday: Resolution
3rd Sorrowful Mystery: The Crowning With Thorns
When the chief priests and the guards saw him they cried out,
“Crucify him, crucify him!” Pilate said to them, “Take him
yourselves and crucify him. I find no guilt in him.”
—John 19:6
Imagining the crowning with thorns, we can pretend that we
are one of the soldiers who is looking on, as some other soldiers
drape a purple robe around Jesus, and put a crown of thorns on
His head, and strike it repeatedly, spitting on Him and yelling,
“Hail, King of the Jews!” in mock adoration of Him.
I realize that my sins were part of the cause of Jesus’s suffering
when He was crowned with thorns. Dear Holy Spirit, Spirit of
Meekness, I resolve never to do or say anything cruel or mean
to anyone, ever again. Help me to carry out my resolution with
firmness. Amen.


Tuesday: Suffering Purifies Me
4th Sorrowful Mystery: The Carrying of the Cross
[The Lord] is like the refiner’s fire,/ or like the fuller’s lye./ He
will sit refining and purifying [silver],/ and he will purify the
sons of Levi,/ Refining them like gold or like silver/ that they
may offer due sacrifice to the Lord.
—Malachi 3:2–3
Imagining the carrying of the cross, we can pretend that we are
Simon of Cyrene, assisting Jesus to carry His Cross to Calvary.
We see how lovingly Jesus hugs His heavy Cross in front of us.
We see how determinedly He shuffles along the Via Dolorosa
with us.
Jesus, You teach me how to carry my cross in life, not just with
resignation, but with love. As I carry my cross, help me to
remember that suffering purifies me of my egocentricities, and
helps me to become a much more compassionate person – and
someone who is more in touch with God. Amen.


Tuesday: Cry
5th Sorrowful Mystery: The Crucifixion
Standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother’s
sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala.
—John 19:25
Imagining the crucifixion, we can pretend that we are with
Our Blessed Mother and the other two Marys at the foot of
the Cross. We hear Jesus suffer difficulty while trying to take
a breath, and yet still manage to say the last seven things from
His divine mouth.
Heavenly Father, when I think about how much Jesus suffered
for me, it makes me want to cry. Please soothe my tears. Amen.



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