
1-10-25 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Friday)

“Your hearts are prepared because your enemy has been driven from them. The house has been cleaned, may no vanity remain; lest he who abandoned it, when he enters, bring back with him seven worse than he, and the last state of this man, as the Gospel says, will be made worse than the first (Lk 11:24-26)….” –Saint Quodvultdeus of Carthage (+ 450)


Intention:  Lord, thank You for blessing America.  Thank You for blessing America!


Friday: Press On
1st Sorrowful Mystery: The Agony in the Garden
At that hour Jesus said to the crowds, “Have you come out as
against a robber, with swords and clubs to seize me? Day after
day I sat teaching in the temple area, yet you did not arrest me.
But all this has come to pass that the writings of the prophets
may be fulfilled.” Then all the disciples left him and fled.
—Matthew 26:55–56
During His agony in the garden, Jesus’s passion was no longer
a distant foreboding image, but an imminent reality for Him.
And to top it all off, He knew He would be abandoned by His
disciples. This is why His sweat became drops of blood.
Lord Jesus, Most Patient, when You allow me to suffer, help me
imagine the sight of You in the garden, so that I may press on,
and exercise my will to accept what is happening as completely
as I possibly can, to be in solidarity with You. Amen.


Friday: Mortify Passions
2nd Sorrowful Mystery: The Scourging at the Pillar
And the whole people said in reply, “His blood be upon us and
upon our children!”
—Matthew 27:25
Even if we are not chosen for martyrdom by the shedding of
our blood, we are always called to mortify ourselves through
the self-restraint of our appetites and emotions – a rigorous
self-discipline of the temptations of life. In this way, we can be
in solidarity with Jesus as He suffered at the pillar, each in our
own little way.
Jesus, I walk the Way of the Cross when I mortify my passions.
As I take each step, show me the way to become more like You,
inch by inch, and minute by minute. Amen.


Friday: Tremendous Responsibility
3rd Sorrowful Mystery: The Crowning With Thorns
Now Jesus stood before the governor, and he questioned him,
“Are you the king of the Jews?” Jesus said, “You say so.” And
when he was accused by the chief priests and elders, he made no
answer. Then Pilate said to him, “Do you not hear how many
things they are testifying against you?” But he did not answer
him one word, so that the governor was greatly amazed.
—Matthew 27:11–14
As we reflect on this mystery, let us also reflect on the serious
duty that comes with the gifts of abundant talents, intelligence
and wealth. With tremendous gifts, come tremendous
Holy Spirit, please assist me to utilize all my gifts, talents and
abilities for the benefit of all, without ego or pride on my part,
but only with consideration for the contribution I can make to
my fellow humans and to the world. Amen.


Friday: Grateful for Crosses
4th Sorrowful Mystery: The Carrying of the Cross
The Lord has heard my weeping./ The Lord has heard my
prayer;/ the Lord takes up my plea.
—Psalm 6:9–10
Life as a human being is characterized by heavy burdens and
difficult obstacles along the broken road – and not infrequently,
tears and grinding of teeth. But we must be grateful for each of
the crosses that we carry, for without them, we would eventually
succumb to the ever-present temptations of pride and apathy
and become someone we would never want to become.
Heavenly Father, thank You for my cross. It helps me to attain
humility, gentleness of heart and generosity toward my fellow
man. It assists me to learn acceptance of Your will. And last, but
certainly not least, it helps me to become more and more like
Your precious Son, my Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


Friday: Hour of My Death
5th Sorrowful Mystery: The Crucifixion
It was nine o’clock in the morning when they crucified him.
The inscription of the charge against him read, “The King of
the Jews.” With him they crucified two revolutionaries, one on
his right and one on his left.
—Mark 15:25–27
From His first baby smile that illuminated the world with joy,
to His last dying breath that was filled with pain and suffering,
the Lord Jesus’s entire life is intricately woven into our own
experience of life, also.
Dear Blessed Mother, Mirror of Justice, you were there when
your Baby Jesus took His first breath, and you were there when
He took His last one. I love you; through your intercession
please be with me now, and at the hour of my death, also.



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