“We must face reality, and not live in an unreal world, not even in an ideal world of our own imagining, which we build up with our poor and unsubstantial dreams. We make a great act of adoration and submission when we recognize the absolute sovereignty of God in all that happens. Only such a thought can enable us to put up with the numberless abuses which surround us—in ourselves and others, in the Church and in the world at large.” –Dom Augustin Guillerand, O. Cart. (+ 1945)
Intention: Dear Lord, I’m expecting that no weapon formed against me will prosper.
Friday: Something Beautiful
1st Sorrowful Mystery: The Agony in the Garden
Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me; still, not
my will but yours be done.
—Luke 22:42
Jesus asked us to take up our cross and follow Him; yet when
His passion was close at hand, He agonized over it, asking
that the cup be taken away from Him. Thus, we know that
it is appropriate to ask the Father to alleviate our sufferings,
whenever possible.
Something inside of me perceives that suffering is a vicious
wrong, and so I wince away from it; however, God’s mercy can
turn it into something beautiful for the world. Heavenly Father,
turn my suffering into something splendid for the world. Amen.
Friday: Not alone
2nd Sorrowful Mystery: The Scourging at the Pillar
[Pilate said to them,] “Therefore I shall have him flogged and
then release him.”
—Luke 23:16
The Roman soldiers whipped Jesus until He was almost at
death’s door, but God the Father was with Him with each and
every lashing.
When I feel pain, I have to remember, God is with me every
step of the way, every painful moment. Heart of Jesus, Hope
of Those Who Die in Thee, let me not feel alone when I am
in pain. Let me feel Your yoke of divine friendship with me at
such times. Amen.
Friday: He Went Before Us
3rd Sorrowful Mystery: The Crowning With Thorns
And the soldiers wove a crown out of thorns and placed it on
his head, and clothed him in a purple cloak.
—John 19:2
The soldiers made a mock court out of the praetorium and
a mock King out of Jesus. Then, as if mocking Him weren’t
enough, they “crowned Him” with long thorns, to bite into
His head.
Even though Jesus was God, He had no protection against this
wretched misery. Lord, when I am hurting, let me remember
that You went before me to lead the way for me. Amen.
Friday: A Random Way
4th Sorrowful Mystery: The Carrying of the Cross
As they led him away they took hold of a certain Simon, a
Cyrenian, who was coming in from the country; and after
laying the cross on him, they made him carry it behind Jesus.
—Luke 23:26
Simon of Cyrene came across Jesus on His way to Calvary by
happenstance, when Jesus fell on His knees, and the soldiers
chose Simon to support Our Lord in carrying His Cross. The
cross often comes to us in a random way, such as this.
My Lord Jesus, I recognize that You are with me when I am
carrying my cross, and that You will always help me to carry
it until the end. Please uplift those people who are despairing,
and help them to know in their hearts that the world would be
a worse place without them. Amen.
Friday: Endure to the End
5th Sorrowful Mystery: The Crucifixion
Immediately one of them ran to get a sponge; he soaked it in
wine, and putting it on a reed, gave it to him to drink.
—Matthew 27:48
The soldiers ripped off Jesus’s clothing, which had dried to His
Body, opening up all the wounds from earlier at the scourging.
They offered Him a concoction of wine and myrrh to numb
His senses, but He refused it.
The way to heaven will be through the cross. Lord Jesus, Most
Powerful, You have shown me how to carry the cross, and have
promised to be with me, if I will only just endure to the end.
Give me Your strength to do so. Amen.