
2-10-25 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Monday)

“[Throughout life,] there are hours of darkness, hours of alarm at oneself…. But there is also the dawning of the insight that Christ’s power is greater than our ­helplessness, his mercy is greater than our failure…. And in this consoling certainty, we wish to leave this hour, joyful that we have the privilege of being his ­servants and that we can thereby do the greatest thing that is possible: be possessed by eternal salvation, by the kingdom of God.”  –Pope Benedict XVI (+ 2022)


Intention:  In Jesus’ name, please bless America with a moral, law-abiding, and God-honoring society, so that we are worthy of self-governance.


Monday: We Have Help
1st Joyful Mystery: The Annunciation
Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and
you shall name him Jesus.
—Luke 1:31
When Jesus was conceived in the womb of the Blessed Virgin
Mary, most of the established world was controlled by Rome,
including the Holy Land. It was a pagan culture, far from God.
However, in a little home in Nazareth, Mary and St. Joseph
were leading God-filled lives and preparing for the holiest birth
of all time.
We live in a world that is quite secularized in our times, too.
Fortunately, though, we have Mary’s example of how to live
a God-centered life, and we have Jesus, the Father, the Holy
Spirit, the angels, the saints and the Catholic Church. Jesus,
Mary and St. Joseph, pray for me to be motivated to do my
best in life, so that I naturally want to do things in an excellent,
patient and helpful way. Amen.


Monday: Gift of Knowledge
2nd Joyful Mystery: The Visitation
Live in love, as Christ loved us and handed himself over for us
as a sacrificial offering to God for a fragrant aroma.
—Ephesians 5:2
The angel never suggested that Mary go to Elizabeth to aid her
in her time of need; Mary intuited it herself, because she was
so willing to lend a hand where she was needed.
All it takes for me to be like Mary is to perceive the needs
around me, and then offer assistance without being asked. Holy
Spirit, entrust me with Your gift of knowledge, that I may
discern more easily the necessities of others. Give me Your holy
wisdom. Amen.


Monday: Offer My Fiat
3rd Joyful Mystery: The Nativity
In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that the
whole world should be enrolled.
—Luke 2:1
Because Caesar required them to go to Bethlehem to be
enrolled, Mary and St. Joseph had to take the long tiring trip
while she was nine-months’ pregnant. The trek was arduous,
but it resulted in Our Lord’s being born in Bethlehem, as was
predicted in sacred scripture. God is always in control, which
we hardly ever understand at the time.
I can imitate Mary by performing the duties of my state in
life, focusing on the present moment and—when required by
charity—maybe taking some long detours. All I have to do is
give these diversions my fiat—my “yes”. Dear God, I say “yes”
to Your will. Please work through me. Amen.


Monday: Minimize Any Damage
4th Joyful Mystery: The Presentation in the Temple
And Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, “Behold,
this child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and
to be a sign that will be contradicted.”
—Luke 2:34
Mary was thankful for her healthy Divine Baby Boy, and she
was happy to present Him to God in the temple. She pondered
the ominous prophecy of Simeon long afterward.
Sometimes I get a feeling of foreboding in my life. This is
a feeling that Mary must have gotten, too, when Simeon
prophesied over her divine Son. Lord, please minimize any
damage that may be coming into my life when I feel such
apprehension, and write straight with crooked lines as only You
can. Amen.


Monday: God’s Plan
5th Joyful Mystery: The Finding of
the Child Jesus in the Temple
Trust in God at all times, my people!/ Pour out your hearts to
God our refuge!
—Psalm 62:9
St. Joseph was obedient by taking his little family to Jerusalem
for the Passover. Jesus was obedient to His Heavenly Father by
staying at the temple, learning, teaching and conversing with
the doctors of the law.
Mother Mary and St. Joseph, you understood how to trust God,
despite the appearance of a disaster looming upon you. Please
pray for me to trust in God’s plan as I live my own little life,
too. Amen.



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