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2-15-25 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Saturday)

“Love brings Christ to be born every day on the altar. This love urges him to renew his Passion all over the world every day and to offer himself constantly to his Father for our sins, as he offered himself once on the cross at Calvary.”  –Blessed Honoratus Koźmiński (+ 1916)   Intention:  Lord, please

2-12-25 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Wednesday)

“Trust in God does not prevent sin from making us feel sorrowful; for all sin, grave or light, large or small, wounds his divine heart and, since we love him, ­naturally we should feel great sorrow for having offended him. Thus we have as our portion sorrow on one side, and confidence on the other:

2-11-25 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Tuesday)

“To see the Lord’s healing power requires listening to him, choosing to be obedient, and trusting that he will lead us…. Most of the Holy Spirit’s promptings are very simple: Go talk to that person. Call that person. Tell that man the Lord loves him and understands the pain he is going through. Ask the

2-10-25 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Monday)

“[Throughout life,] there are hours of darkness, hours of alarm at oneself…. But there is also the dawning of the insight that Christ’s power is greater than our ­helplessness, his mercy is greater than our failure…. And in this consoling certainty, we wish to leave this hour, joyful that we have the privilege of being

2-9-25 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Sunday)

“Even hidden from our eyes, [God] must be met with a passion of love. Crossing this spiritual threshold requires a conversion of our soul’s deeper passion. And how to arrive personally at this conversion is an ultimate spiritual question. Our choice of him as our only beloved is the simple answer, difficult as that act

2-8-25 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Saturday)

“Whether, after a conversion, our Lord truly becomes the beloved of our soul is significant beyond measure and all-important in the life of prayer. This, too, like an initial discovery of God, entails a necessary interior striving; it means we must choose our Lord as the beloved passion of our life and then let prayer