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2-6-25 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Thursday)

“According to Chrysostom, there are three requirements for sainthood, and Agatha was perfect in all three—namely, cleanness of heart, the presence of the Holy Spirit, and abundance of good works….”  –Blessed Jacobus de Voragine (+ 1298)   Intention:  I pray for Your help today, Lord, in carrying out the work that You have given me

2-5-25 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Wednesday)

“O God, be my sole strength in fear, weakness, and distress; be my confidant, or rather my confidence. Divine Guest, dwelling within me, on the throne of my heart, abide with me as my protector; you alone have dominion and power over my whole being; you alone are its love!”  –Blessed Marie-Thérèse Soubiran (+ 1889)

2-4-25 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Tuesday)

“I realize that my crosses have been permitted and willed by you, my God, to teach me to trust in you in spite of everything.” –Blessed Marie-Thérèse Soubiran (+ 1889)   Intention: Lord, thank You for blessing America.  Thank You for blessing America!   Tuesday: Took on our Sins 1st Sorrowful Mystery: The Agony in the

2-3-25 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Monday)

“One of Our Lady’s most beautiful titles is Consoler of the Afflicted, or Comforter of the Afflicted. We can reach out to ask her help in our most aching needs and on behalf of our loved ones who are suffering…. ”  –Mother Mary Francis of Our Lady, P.C.C. (+ 2006)   Intention:  Father, thank You

2-2-25 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Sunday)

“He who carries Jesus and Mary in his heart walks safely and securely. He frequently speaks their names, blesses them with his lips, and applauds them with joyful hands and dancing feet…. Blessed is he who sincerely calls upon Jesus and Mary, who greets them devoutly, affectionately keeps them in mind, and greatly honors them….” 

2-1-25 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Saturday)

“As our body declines and dies when deprived of food, so does our soul when we do not give it the nourishment it needs. The Word of God is nourishment for the soul; so are sermons, the Gospel, and catechism.”  –Saint John Bosco (+ 1888)   Intention:  Thank You, Lord, for the peace, love and

1-31-25 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Friday)

“Holiness comes down through the centuries without being degraded or corrupted. Holiness renders a person blessed. Holiness truly transforms a person and raises him or her to the highest level: God. Holiness fills a person with love and the Holy Spirit moves him or her. Holiness is the most beautiful thing in the world.”  –Venerable

1-30-25 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Thursday)

“To be successful by the usual standards of the world means acquiring:/—power, while the saints relied on God’s omnipotence;/—riches, while the saints enjoyed the Creator’s abundant gifts;/—university degrees, while the saints shared in divine wisdom;/—admiration, while the saints rejoiced to be the objects of God’s love.  Holiness is not the passive presence of God in

1-29-25 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Wednesday)

“In the measure in which we [live out our vocation] generously we shall be brought to a spiritual and human maturity which we could not have reached in any other way, and outside of which is only illusion and escape.”  –Sister Mary David Totah, O.S.B. (+ 2010)   Intention:  I have my trust and confidence

1-28-25 Rosary Mystery Meditations for Today (Tuesday)

“The saint is the man who is truly alive (cf. CCC 294). ‘The saints are the living ones,’ says Origen, ‘and the living ones are the saints.’ Holiness is life in its fullness.  This means that God’s glory is going to be realized by the unfolding of all the potentialities he has put in our